Friday, May 18, 2012

Veggie Snacks for a healthy you

ASTWO Banner
Assorted Veggie snacks produced by ASTWO
Primary Ingredients of a carrot flavor snack
Primary ingredient of a squash flavor snack
Daughters helping their mothers in the production process
A mother busy grating the squash
additional ingredients: egg & flour
mixing the ingredients
mixing the ingredients
distribution of responsibilities
Shekeilah, one of the BCNHS SVA students, using one of the machines to flatten the veggie snack
Once cut by the shredder, it will be spread out to dry.
after frying, sealing, and labeling, these will be the final products
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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thread vs Plastic... the power of innovation

Believe it or not, this used plastic bags can be turned into thread used in embroidery.  Instead of throwing the plastic bags of products bought from the local market, the ASTWO wash them and used them as a thread in embroidery.  Compared it with a real thread, using plastic bag is cheaper and environmentally friendly.
A newly finished embroidery using plastic bags as thread
The finished product with a clock and a frame.

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From old clothes to foot rug

Each of this rug is only 25 Philippine Peso.  This rugs are hand weave as demonstrated by the photos and video below.  The materials are throw away clothes cut into elongated strips.

The Final Product

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Bayong Products Information

Large Bayong -- Php. 100.00

Medium Bayong -- Php. 80.00

Small Bayong -- Php. 60.00

Extra Small Bayong -- Php. 30.00

Picnic Mat -- price may vary depending upon the size

Wine bayong -- Php. 40.00

Envelop Bag Landscape Size -- Php. 150.00


Envelop Bag Portrait Size -- Php. 150.00

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